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New Year’s Direct Mail Resolutions

December 28, 2018

According to, 45% of Americans make New Year’s Resolutions. As we reported in last year’s New Year’s Resolutions for Better Business in 2018 blog, only 20% of New Year’s Resolutions make it past February.

Don’t give up on New Year’s Direct Mail Resolutions, because you’re afraid of incompletion.

We are urging you to make some direct mail New Year’s Resolutions. In fact, we are handing you the 2019 direct mail resolutions and then we want to offer to be your accountability partners!

The American Society of Training and Development found that people are 65% more likely to meet a goal after committing to another person. Their chances of success increase to 95% when they attend ongoing meetings with their partners to check in on their progress. With one call away, the L & D Mail Masters sales representatives can play as your 2019 direct mail accountability partners. Here are the resolutions you should adopt for the upcoming year:

New Years Resolution Image

Are you ready to fulfill your 2019 direct mail resolutions now?

Give us a call at 812-981-7161!


L & D Mail Masters
110 Security Parkway
New Albany, IN 47150
Phone: 812-981-7161
Fax: 812-981-7169
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