Wow! It’s hard to believe it’s already August. This year has flown by so quickly! I’m sure you’re feeling it, and I’m sure your business is feeling it! How have your campaigns gone this year? Have you started? Finished? Seen new leads or your sales numbers increase? If you haven’t ran a direct mail campaign this year, don’t worry! You still have plenty of time. Not convinced that direct mail will work for you? Allow me to share with you some direct mail statistics so far in 2023.
64% of consumers say that direct mail has inspired them to take action, including exploring websites and reviews or making a purchase.
65% of consumers said that an offer or promotion that caught their eye was what motivated them to open and read direct mail.
68% of consumers are more likely to engage with a message/communication from brands personalized to them. And over half of them (65%) expect direct mail to be personalized to them.
80% of consumers share direct mail with their families and friends, especially coupons and free offers.
Nearly two-thirds (62%) of consumers say they receive the right amount of direct mail.
Over half (54%) of consumers agree they are more likely to purchase from a brand that prioritizes sustainability. While 68% of consumers still opt to receive some sort of paper statement, 32% have chosen to go paperless.
The majority of consumers read direct mail almost immediately, 71% reporting that they read direct mail the same day they bring it inside their residence.
Nearly 1 in 4 consumers ages 18-24 keep their direct mail for two days, but less than five.
Personalization is expected in direct mail. 55% of consumers say they expect the direct mail they receive from brands will be personalized to them in some way.
It’s clear that a direct mail campaign is an incredibly effective marketing tool in 2023. Have these statistics inspired you? Contact us today to get started on your very own campaign!
Source: Lob & Comperemedia “2023 The State of Direct Mail, Consumer Insights”